Patrick House

The Patrick House is our only house with its own parking lot. Reserve a room in this house and drive right up and park by the side door.

The Patrick House was built in the 1840s as a Greek Revival mansion, and is named after a former owner of the house. It was originally built facing south towards Frederick Street, overlooking downtown Staunton. In the late 1800’s, the architect TJ Collins and Sons removed the original Greek Revival columns and original front porch, and designed the current Victorian facade that faces east on New Street.  The Patrick House was purchased at an unknown date by Mary Baldwin University and was used as classrooms, offices and even a dormitory at one point. The University renamed the building the Riddle House, after a MBU donor. The current laundry facilities, at the rear of the building, that our housekeeping staff currently uses, was added to accommodate the laundry business of the MBU dorm mother. She lived in the room at the back of the house that is now Patrick 36. Empty name plates and the number 301 are still hung at the entrance to the attic, as evidence of the former dormitory. Inside the attic is a large common area and two side rooms which have the numbers 301A and 301B hung over them. The attic is currently used as a storage space. Many MBU alumni still refer to the house as the Riddle House. In the late 1990s, the original owners of the Frederick House purchased the house from Mary Baldwin University, reverted its name back to the Patrick House, and expanded the Frederick House by 6 rooms.

*We are slowly researching the full history of each of our historic houses, and will update this page as any new information is learned.*

Patrick Rooms

House-RoomRoom TypeBedsMax Occupancy
Patrick-26Large Queen RoomQueen Bed2
Patrick-27King SuiteKing Bed2
Patrick-28Family SuiteQueen and 2 Twin Beds
Separate Rooms
Patrick-34Small Queen RoomQueen Bed2
Patrick-35King SuiteKing Bed2
Patrick-36Small Queen RoomQueen Bed2

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